Tuesday, January 22, 2008

LS2KMacro - First Test

The BioRad Radiance system is supplied with either Marzhauser or Ludl motorized XY stage. So it seems that it works with either one or the other out of the box. We'll need our macro to communicate with a different stage controller (ASI) with its own command set and firmware altogether. As a first step, we need to validate a basic requirement; make sure the LS2K macro can control the XY stage via RS232. A VB macro has been created to do just that. If everything works, it will display a simple user interface and the user should be able to perform basic stage movements with the GUI. The following link has the ActiveX DLL component and other necessary information to conduct the test. Look for version a1.0




DRBIO_MPM said...
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DRBIO_MPM said...


Let me know if this initial test is successful on your end. Make sure RS232 serial communication works; it's always good to get the basic requirement out of the way first.

We should use this forum to post questions and to exchange further ideas and thoughts, so check back periodically for more blog posts and comments.


Sushmita Mukherjee said...

Hi Paul,

I finally got around to testing the macro. Everything went fine until the dialog box, but then, I could not get the stage to move. In the Control panel of the computer, I saw there are 6 COM ports. When I try to use 1 or 2 to run the macro, I get the message that they are already open. If I try 4 through 6, a dialog appears: "Open port#?; Move 1500 by 1500 micron; Close port#?. However, the stage doesn't move, and no movements are registered on the ASI stage. The one thing I did not know was how to set the dip switches on the ASI stage controller (as suggested in your troubleshooting suggestions). The only dip switches I see on the ASI controller are labeled 1 through 8. Out of these, 1 and 2 are in the lower position; the rest in the upper position. All the COM ports are set to your specifications (9600 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and no hardware flow control.)

I have connected the ASI controller box's "Serial Out" port to what I presume are the com ports (I've tried all four).

May be I am missing something. I'd be happy to try out things here with you on the phone, if you think that will help. Also, I'll be visiting Ithaca sometime soon, and I can see your system in action when I'm there. I am not yet sure when that will be.

Best wishes,


DRBIO_MPM said...

Hello Sushmita,

It appears that ports 1 & 2 on your PC are being used by some other devices. Have you tried entering port #3 in the GUI macro?

Your DIP switch settings are correct. They're the same in our ASI controller.

I will try to recreate the error that you're getting and I'll get back with you shortly. Lisa or I will give you a phone call on Monday.


DRBIO_MPM said...

Hi Sushmita,

We have the serial cable going to the "Serial In" port on the back panel of the ASI box instead of the "Serial Out" port. Perhaps this could be the problem?


Lisa Toth said...

We have found that the RS-232 cable must be NULL MODEM. To be specific, it must be a 9-pin male to female null modem cable which connects from the PC to the ASI Serial In port. I heard from Sushmita that the "First Test" mentioned in this post now works using this cable. Now on to the next test...